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Practice Area

Collaborative Practice

What is it?
Collaborative Practice is a pathway to resolve your parenting, property or family provision matter out of Court through a series of meetings. You are supported by trained professionals and have complete control over the process. Both parties sign a contract that they will not commence proceedings in the Court without engaging a whole new legal team.

Who is it for?
For families or separating couples who:

- respect each other;

- wish to maintain an amicable relationship in the future;
- are prepared to discuss problems and solutions with each other; and
- recognise that going to Court will not help their family.

How can it help?
You and your spouse work together to decide what is best for your family unit – despite the fact that it looks a little bit different now. Your children’s needs are given priority by the people who know them best – their parents, not lawyers or a Judge who has never met them before.

For families involved in a contested estate rather than engaging in lengthy and expensive litigation where usually the legal costs are paid from the estate – reducing the benefits available for all beneficiaries - you work together identifying the needs of each beneficiary and decide how the estate should be distributed.

Who is involved?
A collaboratively trained lawyer for each party.
A Coach – often a mediator who facilitates the meetings.
A financial neutral - who can advise the parties on the value of the assets and potential settlement options to meet their goals.

Alison and Jessica are both members of the Australian Association of Collaborative Professionals and Collaborative Professions NSW. We can provide you with more information if you are interested to learn more about collaborative practice and how it can help you and your family.

Collaborative Professionals

Our Solicitors


Alison Neville


Jessica Spence colour.jpg
Jessica Spence colour.jpg

Jessica Spence


Get in Touch

60 Hill Street, Orange NSW 2800


Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Legal practitioners employed by Blackwell Short Lawyers Pty Ltd ABN 36 151 156 446 are members of the scheme.

The material on this website is for general information purposes only. Approach us with your specific circumstance for legal advice.

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